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Gift Box: Go big! - Natural Workshop

Price €19.50
These two products are really essential for those who want to "go big" using ecological and natural products. Solid Shower Shampoo for Men N°03 (50g): it is not a common bar of soap: delicate on the skin and hair , it is formulated like the equivalent liquid shower shampoos, but without water. For this it is suitable for frequent use . Its fresh and invigorating scent will recharge you whenever you feel the need for new energy. Contains organic blackberry and blackcurrant extracts , rich in antioxidant and anti-free radical active ingredients, which protect the skin against capillary fragility and ageing. Their action eliminates stress from external agents such as smog and exposure to UV rays. The scent of Officina Natura men's shower shampoo is of completely natural origin , derived from essential oil fractions. Solid Shaving Soap N°06 (50g): solid cosmetic perfect for those who dedicate themselves to the care of their beard as a ritual, wrapping themselves in its soft and persistent foam. It is a high quality product which, at the end of the shave, will give you the result of exceptionally soft and smooth skin . The composition of this shaving soap is not that of a common soap - such as Marseille soap - which you may have tried as a bar of shaving soap, with disastrous effects for your skin. The formula is specially designed to make the hair softer and make shaving easier. It is extremely simple to use , because it is already contained in a jar that acts as a bowl. Mango butter , which makes use of its moisturizing and emollient properties to maximize the sliding of the razor on the skin of the face. A cereal with soothing properties, Oats , with a recognized emollient and calming effect , which reduces post-shave skin irritations .

Gift Box: What a beard! - Natural Workshop

Price €23.50
These two products are truly essential for those who want to show off a perfect beard using ecological and natural products. Solid Beard and Face Cleanser N°04 (40g): here is a foaming but delicate cleanser, which eliminates excess sebum, keeping the balance of the skin unchanged . This product, like the others in the same line, has a specific pH for each part of the body. Added to this is the presence of Mango Butter , essential for hydrated and soft beard and skin. The organic red grape extract , rich in polyphenols, is an antioxidant for the skin and a natural conditioner that leaves the beard soft and tidy. While the bitter orange extract , present in the beard shampoo, counteracts the formation of unpleasant odors and leaves a pleasant feeling of cleanliness. Charcoal and Indigo are the special ingredients that naturally hinder the yellowing of the beard. Solid Beard Balm N°05 (65 ml): balm for long beard , COSMOS certified, which has the appearance of an extremely moisturizing butter. This property belongs to Mango butter , which not only moisturizes the beard , preventing it from drying out, but is also emollient and calming in case of irritated skin . Among the ingredients you will also find Calendula oil , which works by limiting irritation and itching, and Jojoba oil , which helps to free the hair follicles from excess sebum. The latter is known to be very useful on sensitive or even inflamed or damaged skin. No silicones or dyes have been used in this Conditioner , to guarantee the naturalness of the ingredients. Even the perfume is of natural origin.

GIGA 60x40 - Apepak

Price €15.90
This very useful Apepak brand product is essential if you want to do without disposable film or aluminum, both for ecological reasons and to save money. Indeed, it has many qualities: ° IT'S MULTIPURPOSE: Wrap fruit, vegetables, aged cheeses, meat and dried salami. Ideal for storing bread, rolls, sandwiches and as a take away wrap for the office or picnic. Great as a mat for kneading bread and pasta. Cover and seal any container, jar, or bowl including leavening pizza or sourdough refreshment. Ideal for wrapping cakes and storing biscuits. Wash at 30° and reuse. ° IT'S MALLEABLE: thanks to the semi-rigid and malleable consistency of GOTS fabric, it will be easy to wrap and seal food. The casing is thermo-modelled, sealing itself on the edges with light pressure and the warmth of your hands. Despite the softness and pleasantness to the touch, Apepak® is 30% thicker than other similar products on the market. ° IT'S ECOLOGICAL: replace at least 400 meters of film, aluminum and disposable wrappers. Natural color printing and all ingredients are 100% biodegradable and compostable. °IT'S ETHICAL: you support the reintegration into work of disadvantaged and fragile people of the Social Cooperative L'Incontro Industria 4.0. ° HELP BEES: actively support bees and organic beekeepers CONAPI the Italian National Consortium of Beekeepers. Instructions for Use: Wash in 30° cold water and rub with a sponge and natural soap. Do not use it with meat or oily foods. Afraid of heat: keep in a cool, dry place. Can be used in the freezer

Ginger Enveloping Deodorant Butter & Activated Charcoal - Soap of a Time

Price €7.91
This solid and natural deodorant is based on the following active ingredients: Sodium bicarbonate, which has a delicate deodorant action. Absorbs bad odor with a neutralizing effect without altering the natural perspiration of the skin. Salvia Officinalis extracts: considered effective antioxidants capable of neutralizing the action of free radicals. Sage is traditionally known as an anti-sweat plant thanks to the action of the skin-purifying and deodorant essential oil. Shea Butter: precious natural and organic nutrient, whose emollient properties have been scientifically proven: it softens the skin, restores and protects the natural physical barrier function of our skin.

Ginger&Lemon Protective Toothpaste - LaSaponaria

Price €3.99
This delicate homeocompatible toothpaste is indicated for adults and children: its use will make the smiles of the whole family radiant and dazzling, even those most in need of attention. It is based on essential oils of ginger (with renowned anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties) and lemon (the essential oil of this plant has a formidable bactericidal power, and its antibiotic properties are also useful in case of cold sores). Combined with a selected mix of other ingredients (such as aloe vera, star anise and Tea Tree essential oil) make this toothpaste wonderful for the health of the gums and oral cavity, performing a protective and soothing action on 360°, gently removing plaque. The special micro crystals contained (hydroxyapatite) perform a re-mineralizing action and help strengthen and protect the enamel. In this toothpaste, even the packaging is ecological: it is in fact made of bioplastic, derived from sugar cane.

GUPPYFRIEND - washing machine net to block microplastics

Regular price €27.76 -10% Price €24.98
Le microplastiche che quotidianamente disperdiamo nel nostro pianeta sono una piaga invisibile, ma reale: si stima che in un anno ingeriamo l'equivalente di una carta di credito in microplastiche attraverso cibo, aria e acqua. Ognuno di noi può, cambiando leggermente le proprie abitudini, dare un contributo per arginare questo problema e pesare meno sul nostro ecosistema. E' per questo motivo che Cuore Lavabile, sentendosi ancora più responsabile dopo la creazione dei CuorPad, vuole proporvi la rete per il bucato Guppyfriend: è un'azienda tedesca che utilizza un particolare filato di poliestere prodotto in Italia che serve da rete per intrappolare le microplastiche durante il lavaggio in lavatrice. La misura di questa rete è di 50x74cm e vanno inseriti quegli indumenti (anche pannolini e assorbenti) che hanno parti in poliestere. Infatti i filati dei vestiti sono generalmente composti da diversi fili attorcigliati e che sfregano tra loro durante il lavaggio e perdono frammenti (le microplastiche). Il poliestere che compone la rete per lavaggio, invece, è un monofilamento con particolari caratteristiche che non ne fanno staccare frammenti. Gli studi che ha condotto l'azienda attraverso il Centro di ricerca tessile tedesco DTNW, l'Istituto Fraunhofer UMSICHT e l'Università della California a Santa Barbara, ci dicono un sacco di cose interessanti su come lavare al meglio. Innanzitutto un tessuto sintetico che viene lasciato libero in lavatrice perde una percentuale di microplastiche nettamente superiore (+86%) rispetto a quelli inseriti nella rete. Questo perché più le fibre sfregano e più i frammenti di plastica si staccano dai tessuti. Quindi un tessuto inserito nella rete durerà anche più a lungo rispetto al trattamento in lavatrice libera, ma è anche stato dimostrato che lo stesso accade ai tessuti naturali, quindi anche inserendoli nella rete per il lavaggio perderanno molte meno fibre andando a deteriorarsi meno e durare di più. Siccome il sacchetto potrebbe sbilanciare la rotazione della centrifuga viene consigliato o di averne due che girando mantengono l'equilibrio evitando lo stop della centrifuga oppure di inserire riempimento in fibre naturali come vestiti, asciugamani o lenzuola fuori dalla rete. Purtroppo i sistemi di filtraggio non sono in grado di bloccare le microplastiche perché solo molto piccole: in media tra i 50 µm a 15 mm, di solito non più spesse di 10 µm. Proprio per questo, dopo le fasi di depurazione nei normali impianti si ha come prodotto un "fango di depurazione" pieno di questi frammenti che viene utilizzato come fertilizzante naturale: così, attraverso la terra e le falde acquifere, le microplastiche arrivano fino alla nostra tavola. Non solo, le microplastiche arrivano anche ai corsi d'acqua a causa degli straripamenti delle fognature dove sono raccolte tutte le acque reflue non filtrate e non trattate che vengono dalle nostre case, tra cui anche gli scarichi della lavatrice. Il problema è serio, stiamo avvelenando la nostra terra e chi ne pagherà le spese saranno soprattutto le generazioni future: i nostri bambini.

Hand Detergent Sanitizing Gel Officina Naturae

Price €11.70
HOW TO USE THE PRODUCT Position the hand sanitizing dispenser where it is most convenient to have it within your reach, it will help you take the right amount of gel without waste. Dose a small amount of gel and rub it with both hands until they are completely dry. The skin will be smooth and soft. If you want to have an equally effective hand sanitizer for your bag, to take it with you when you go shopping, on public transport, or in other popular places, try the Sanitizing Spray Hand Detergent, in a smaller and more practical format. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS - Ethyl Alcohol: eco-friendly sanitizer - Organic quince extract: emollient action for the skin - Peppermint Essential Oil: refreshing essential oil

Hand Detergent Sanitizing Spray Officina Naturae

Price €6.50
At any time of the day, if you're away from home, traveling or in the office and you can't wash your hands, you may need a detergent to use without water. Officina Naturae Hand Detergent Sanitizing Spray is a handy spray to always carry with you and to use when you need a safe and practical product. It is formulated with 71% organic alcohol, following the WHO prescriptions to obtain an active and effective sanitizer. We have also included in the formula the organic cornflower extract, with a pleasant emollient effect on the skin, and peppermint essential oil which makes it pleasantly fresh. Evaporates quickly without leaving skin sticky or dry. How to use the product Spray the cleanser directly on the hands and distribute it evenly, whenever you need it. The Sanitizing Spray Hand Detergent is more versatile than common sanitizing gels as you can also use it on various types of surfaces such as handles, shopping trolleys, hard surfaces in general. Active ingredients - Organic ethyl alcohol: eco-friendly sanitizer - Organic cornflower extract: emollient action for the skin - Vegetable glycerin: emollient action for the skin - Peppermint Essential Oil: refreshing essential oil

Hand sanitizing gel for children 100ml Derma

Price €4.90
Derma Disinfection Gel 100 ml the alcohol base (70%) disinfects and effectively removes pathogens from the hands. is a vegan product, without dyes and fragrances certified and authorized for trade as a biocidal and extremely anti-allergenic product for sensitive skin by Asthma Allergy Denmark and Allergy Certifield. moreover, the glycerin contained prevents skin dryness. these characteristics make it suitable for use by children (always under the supervision of an adult) as alcohol is flammable. do not keep near direct heat sources or exposed to the sun. How to use: distribute evenly on the hands for about 30 seconds until it dries The product contains, among others, ethanol (EC No. 200-578-6) In case of contact with the eyes: rinse gently with water to some minutes. Remove any contact lenses, if possible, and continue rinsing your eyes gently. If eye irritation persists, seek medical attention immediately. before using the product, test it on a small area of the skin

Handmade Marseille soap flakes 500 gr Soap of the past

Price €11.90
The Marseille soap flakes Sapone di un Tempo are handmade and aged. They are a natural washing detergent for all white and colored garments, even delicate ones, both by hand and in the washing machine. Flake soap can also be used as an additive to increase the effectiveness of the detergent in case of very dirty clothes. Instructions for use By hand: dilute about 30 grams of flakes (a full kitchen spoon) for every 5 liters of water. In the washing machine: put about 60 grams of soap flakes (two heaped kitchen spoons) directly into the washing machine drum. With soap flakes you can also make excellent liquid detergents for both the home and the body. Liquid laundry: dissolve about 150 grams (4-5 kitchen spoons) in 2 liters of hot water. Use the liquid detergent thus obtained in the washing machine compartment (100 ml for each wash). Multi-purpose degreaser: dissolve about 2 tablespoons of soap flakes in a liter of hot water and use with a vaporizer to clean all surfaces. Liquid hand and body soap: dissolve 2-3 tablespoons every 500 ml. of hot water. Shower glove: insert the soap flakes into a shower glove to obtain a soapy glove for the bathroom.

Hypericum-based ointment - LaSaponaria

Price €11.00
The St. John's wort used in this 100% vegan ointment flourishes in the Marche region and is harvested by small local businesses according to sustainable methods, respecting the right botanical times to allow the plant to fully develop its power. Hypericum blooms on the day of the Summer Solstice, when the Sun reaches its peak, and for this coincidence it was used as a protective amulet against dark forces. Not only that, its multiple properties make it excellent for skin treatment, thanks to its great soothing and emollient power. Its packaging is made of recycled aluminum, but if you don't throw away the box, you'll find that you can use it in infinite ways: it's a perfect container for earphones, headphones, tacks, paper clips, sharpeners, rubber bands or for solid cosmetics to take on the go. USE: Gently massage on intact skin. Do not use before sun exposure.

Interchangeable heads (soft bristles) - La Saponaria

Price €3.50
Have you used your Saponaria vegetable fiber super toothbrush to the fullest and think it's time to change it? No need! These magical toothbrushes, in fact, allow you to replace only the bristles, significantly reducing waste on our planet. These replacement bristles are made of castor oil, perfect for performing a delicate cleaning action on teeth and gums: they will guarantee you perfect hygiene throughout the mouth, doing good for your health, the environment and yours in one fell swoop. wallets! Bristle hardness: SOFT The package contains: 2 heads per box MATERIALS: Bristles: castor oil Packaging: FSC certified paper HOW TO DISPOSE OF: - Pack in paper - Bristles in dry

Konjac Walnut Body Exfoliator - BANBU

Price €12.10
Some more info Massage and care for the skin of your body with this Konjac root sponge. Konjac sponge promotes blood circulation and enhances natural cell regeneration. Perfect for deep exfoliation. Just wet the sponge to appreciate all its softness! suitable for... Impure skin prone to ingrown hairs. Packaging The sponge is sold in the paper box you see in the picture.

Konjac Walnut Facial Exfoliator - BANBU

Price €7.30
Walnut shell particles help renew the skin of the face thanks to the exfoliating effect, without damaging the most sensitive areas. Suitable for all skin types. Stimulates blood circulation, eliminates blackheads, controls acne causing bacteria, cleanses pores, regulates Ph...well, you'll wonder why you didn't buy this sooner!!!! Totally biodegradable.

L'Incomparabile - Shampoo and solid conditioner 2 in 1 anti-dandruff anti-itching Ethical Grace

Price €14.19
Zoom on holy basil Holy basil, also known as tulsi, is a plant held in high esteem by the Hindus of Southeast Asia where it is often planted around temples. Used as a 'drug' for over 3,000 years in Ayurvedic medicine, today, tulsi is starting to gain notoriety in the West too, thanks above all to the latest scientific research which has confirmed its richness in active healing ingredients. Thanks to its purifying, rebalancing and calming properties, it is called 'The Incomparable' by Indian women who use it above all for the care of their hair. Other Ingredients: Neem Oil Native to India, where it is commonly referred to as “the village pharmacy”, the Neem tree boasts a remarkable arsenal of exceptional properties that help to: • Detoxify the scalp and prevent the build-up of sebum , • Helps free hair from dandruff, reduces flaking and irritant symptomatic effects such as redness and itching, • Stimulates local microcirculation and nourishes the hair bulbs, • Gives softness and shine to the hair. Castor oil Known hero of the hair world, thanks to its high content of ricinoleic acid, castor oil: • prevents the formation of split ends and hair loss • gives shine and vitality to even the driest and most damaged hair • prevents and fights dandruff thanks to its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties • balances the PH of the scalp Wheat proteins With amino acids similar to those that make up our hair, they penetrate deep into the hair shaft where: • they strengthen their structure; • improve and maintain their hydration; • smoothes, smoothes and compacts the hair fiber. Even its perfume has proven beneficial properties! • Grapefruit – purifying and astringent, balances excessive sebum production. • Oregano – powerful antibacterial and antiparasitic, helps eliminate dandruff, fungus and irritation. • Rosemary – invigorating, stimulates local microcirculation and revitalizes the scalp.

Lemon Grass Scrub Cream - LaSaponaria

Price €14.01
This scrub is very rich in very effective ingredients: it is based on fair trade cane sugar, containing glycolic acid, which is a natural exfoliant, as well as being an ideal antiseptic since it cleanses and kills bacteria. Almond powder, unrefined salt and revitalizing natural extracts complete the work in this product with a thousand virtues: it smoothes the skin by eliminating dead cells, stimulates microcirculation, enhances the effectiveness of local treatments (e.g. anti-cellulite) and leaves the softest skin. It is also enriched with extracts of ivy (rich in saponins, it has a marked toning cosmetic action), ginkgo (anti-cellulite), rosemary (stimulating microcirculation) and with pure essential oils of lemongrass and mint (reactivating and purifying). This product contains only natural ingredients, grown with respect for workers and the environment. Even the packaging, in bioplastic, is more ecological than those in plastic. How to use: apply in the shower on damp skin, massaging with circular movements and then rinse directly with the shower jet (possibly from bottom to top).

Line A+C+E energizing body cream - GreeNatural

Price €12.90
This velvety body cream has a sparkling and intoxicating fragrance that will awaken your senses and give you new energy! The ACE Juice present in the line was created with real orange, carrot and lemon juice so that the skin and hair can benefit from all the energy of these vitamins. Vitamin A plays an important role in the preservation of cell membranes and helps fight skin aging; vitamin C has an antioxidant action, stimulates the production of collagen by promoting cell turnover and making the skin more elastic. Finally, vitamin E counteracts cellular aging and helps protect tissues from damage caused by pollution. To give greater hydration, the vitamins of the ACE juice have been combined with Mango Butter, which contains essential substances for skin care: oleic alcohol, polyphenols, squalene and phytosterols. The latter, in particular, have anti-inflammatory properties capable of improving the skin's barrier function and microcirculation, inhibiting skin aging and protecting against the action of the sun's rays. These properties make the cream ideal for dry and dull skin: rapidly absorbed, deeply hydrating without greasing. This product enjoys the AIAB ECOBIO COSMESI certification; this, in particular, guarantees: • Formulations made up of ingredients of natural origin, selected on the basis of criteria of environmental sustainability and healthiness. • In the case of Eco Bio Cosmetics products, surfactants, functional ingredients and plant extracts from organic farming and certified according to the main international standards • Compulsory tests on the finished product to prevent unwanted effects • Truthful labels and claims supported by tests or bibliography reliable science; • An independent control and certification system with international accreditations, which makes public the rules, lists of companies and certified products (including ingredients) and responds to questions asked by consumers.

Linseed oil Officina Naturae + dispenser

Price €7.48
Extraction method: the oil is obtained by extraction from the seeds of Linum usitatissimum L. Indications: Traditionally indicated to keep hair elastic and resistant and reduce the formation of split ends. Often mixed with other oils it has been used in case of greasy skin, acne, psoriasis, eczema. Characteristics: plant of great economic importance since the dawn of human civilization. The oil has a characteristic scent of melted butter. It is very rich in fatty acids, mostly of the unsaturated type (up to 90%) and in particular of the omega-3 class (it contains a very high percentage, around 55%, of alpha-linolenic acid), with only 9% saturated fat, and an interesting percentage of vitamin E. Warnings: oil sensitive to oxidation and rancidity. keep in the dark. VEGAN Factsheet drawn up in collaboration with: Marco Valussi European Herbal & Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association (EHTPA)

Liquid Aleppo soap - Soap of the past

Price €12.00
This liquid soap is produced exclusively through the saponification of olive oil to which 25% of laurel oil is added, obtained by extraction from the berries of this plant, by pressing only the ripe fruits (in fact, they are the part where its excellent properties). The oil thus obtained (oleum drupi) is a mixture of essential oil and vegetable oil with an intense green color due to the high presence of chlorophyll. Its qualities are many: soothing, purifying, stimulating, tonic and astringent. The two precious ingredients of this soap, skilfully combined, make it a unique product: in addition to its cleansing and delicately purifying capacity (particularly suitable for sensitive skin), the scent of olive oil combines with the fragrance of laurel, which attributes the ability to relax the mind and body.

Liquid Bio Shampoo with flax seeds: Extra Virgin - LaSaponaria

Price €8.00
This natural Bio Shampoo is the perfect ally for cleansing without damaging the hair of the whole family, without sacrificing respect for the environment. In fact, in addition to the raw materials supplied exclusively by small farmers who embrace agricultural sustainability projects, the packaging is made of bioplastic, derived from sugar cane. This shampoo is handcrafted and does not contain SLES, GMOs, PEGs or Parabens but only natural, genuine and low environmental impact raw materials. It is based on naturally extracted virgin oils. The olive one, in particular, being rich in vitamins A and E, unsaturated fatty acids and beta-carotene, is very useful for the beauty and health of the hair: it nourishes and softens them, regenerates the hair fiber and creates a sheath which protects from smog and atmospheric agents. Furthermore, it is very useful against weakness and hair loss, because it is able to deeply nourish the hair bulb, strengthening it. This bio shampoo does not contain fragrances or irritating substances: it is also suitable for the little ones and for those with sensitive skin and suffering from irritation. Just use a nut diluted with water to give vitality and shine to the hair: it is very delicate and neutral, therefore suitable for frequent washing. It can be customized by adding essential oils (about 1%).

Liquid Bio Shampoo with flax seeds: Sage and Lemon - LaSaponaria

Price €8.00
This natural Bio Shampoo is the perfect ally to cleanse oily hair, without sacrificing respect for the environment. In fact, in addition to the raw materials supplied exclusively by small farmers who embrace agricultural sustainability projects, the packaging is made of bioplastic, derived from sugar cane. This shampoo is handcrafted and does not contain SLES, GMOs, PEGs or parabens but only natural, genuine and local raw materials. It is rich in precious plant extracts, such as those of sage (which is known to tighten pores, eliminate impurities and cleanse oily hair), lemon (astringent) and nettle. Nettle, a plant very rich in medicinal properties, reduces excess sebum by rebalancing the natural PH of the scalp and carrying out an important cleansing action on the hair bulbs which will no longer be blocked by dandruff or dead cells from the astringent and normalizing action. The formula uses delicate surfactants derived from sunflower and coconut, which gently cleanse without drying the ends and without further stimulating the production of sebum as occurs with aggressive shampoos. A perfect recipe for a refreshing action on the whole head: it perfumes and purifies the scalp. A small amount of product diluted with water will be enough to carry out an effective anti-dandruff action and to cleanse oily hair.

Liquid Bio Shampoo with flax seeds: Sunflower and Sweet Orange - LaSaponaria

Price €8.00
This natural Bio Shampoo is the perfect ally to make your hair soft and manageable, without sacrificing respect for the environment. In fact, in addition to the raw materials supplied exclusively by small farmers who embrace agricultural sustainability projects, the packaging is made of bioplastic, derived from sugar cane. This shampoo is handcrafted and does not contain SLES, GMOs, PEGs or parabens but only natural raw materials, plant extracts and surfactants derived from sugars and fruit. The formula is rich in nourishing and functional substances such as flax seeds, which are a real panacea for the hair: rich in minerals and omega 3, they are perfect for regenerating any type of hair, especially damaged, brittle, dry and dull hair . Their use is therefore strongly recommended in the summer, on hair sensitized by exposure to the sun and by salt or chlorine, or on hair stressed by chemical treatments such as dyes and perms or by the frequent use of hair dryers and straighteners. This shampoo is enriched by sunflower and moringa extracts, also known as the "miraculous tree". At the level of the scalp it manages to counteract the development of dandruff by strengthening the cells of the scalp. In particular, the oil strengthens the hair shaft and protects it from external agents. Its ability to improve blood microcirculation makes it an ally against hair loss, especially that caused by stress and lack of vitamins and minerals. For those with dry hair, this oil rich in vitamin E is excellent for hydrating and making hair strong and full of vitality. This formula is completed by pure essential oils of sweet orange (with anxiolytic and calming properties) and geranium (uplifts the spirit and lowers the level of anxiety). A perfect recipe for those with thin and brittle hair and also for those who want a delicate shampoo for daily washing: a small amount of product will be enough to strengthen and protect your hair.

Little seeds - Ethical Grace solid bath and shower cream for sensitive skin

Price €13.20
One could say that the world we know today would not have existed without cereals. For human beings, ancient and modern, wheat, corn, barley, rice and oats represent foods of vital importance so much so that many peoples would not have survived without these fundamental foods. These small, not so promising looking seeds are actually a great source of energy and therefore the very foundations of civilization. Consider that the cultivation of cereals played a fundamental role in the agricultural revolution which saw the transformation of men from hunter-gatherers to farmers. In Ancient Egypt, cereals were a symbol of wealth, they determined social status and as a sign of gratitude they were painted on the tombs of the pharaohs. Ingredients: Oat extract A great ally for delicate skin, oat extract: calms skin irritations, soothes redness and simultaneously helps relieve itching; moisturizing, it forms a thin film on the surface of the skin, regulating hydration. Coconut oil Rich in potassium, zinc, iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins of group B, C, E, K, coconut oil: deeply nourishes, helping the skin to maintain its elasticity; soothing, calms redness and skin irritations; prevents skin dehydration. Castor oil A natural remedy, used since the times of the ancient Egyptians, castor oil is obtained from the cold pressing of castor seeds: moisturizing and emollient, distributed on the skin it forms a barrier that prevents excessive evaporation of skin water ; thanks to its high content of ricinoleic acid, proteins, minerals and vitamin E, it deeply nourishes the skin. Moisturizing ingredients: Sorbitol and vegetable glycerin Ingredients of natural origin, included in the formulation for their marked moisturizing properties. Sorbitol occurs naturally in many berries and fruits such as apples, pears, cherries and plums, while glycerin is extracted through the saponification process of vegetable oils. Apart from its moisturizing power, glycerin is also capable of increasing the solubility of the active ingredients of products and facilitating their absorption.

Lively Deodorant Butter with Green Tea - Soap of a Time

Price €7.91
This solid and natural deodorant is based on the following active ingredients: Sodium bicarbonate, which has a delicate deodorant action. Absorbs bad odor with a neutralizing effect without altering the natural perspiration of the skin. Salvia Officinalis extracts: considered effective antioxidants capable of neutralizing the action of free radicals. Sage is traditionally known as an anti-sweat plant thanks to the action of the skin-purifying and deodorant essential oil. Shea Butter: precious natural and organic nutrient, whose emollient properties have been scientifically proven: it softens the skin, restores and protects the natural physical barrier function of our skin.

Lo Scacciaguai - shampoo and solid conditioner 2 in 1 purifying for oily hair Ethical Grace

Price €14.19
Zoom on nettle Herb known above all for the annoying itching it causes when in contact with the skin, it is actually a plant with a thousand beneficial properties. Ancient remedy for hair care, always known for its purifying and anti-inflammatory properties, over time nettle has been shown to contain numerous active trichological ingredients. Linked to numerous superstitions, even today, in northern Italy, old farmers maintain that carrying nettles in a small bunch in your pockets protects against colds and any other curse. Other ingredients: Coconut oil Rich in potassium, zinc, iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins of group B, C, E, K, thanks to the distribution of its fatty acids it is the vegetable oil that penetrates more into the stem of the hair where: • Reduces the damage induced by excessive heating with the hair dryer, the straightener; • Strengthens the hair fiber and prevents split ends; • Creates a waterproof film on the surface that prevents moisture absorption – no more frizzy hair. Castor oil Known hero of the hair world, thanks to its high content of ricinoleic acid, castor oil: • prevents the formation of split ends and hair loss • gives shine and vitality to even the driest and most damaged hair • prevents and fights dandruff thanks to its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties • balances the PH of the scalp Wheat proteins With amino acids similar to those that make up our hair, they penetrate deep into the hair shaft where: • they strengthen their structure; • improve and maintain their hydration; • smoothes, smoothes and compacts the hair fiber. Even its perfume has proven beneficial properties! • Lemon – purifying and astringent, balances excessive sebum production. • Mint – invigorating and refreshing, stimulates local microcirculation and revitalizes the scalp.

Long socks in hemp and cotton (adults) natural color - NATUR

Price €6.50
Natur stockings come from a small company located near Brescia, which has been producing a wide range of stockings in completely natural fibers for 35 years. They are suitable for everyone and in particular for people with sensitivity problems to various chemical treatments or who simply have an eye for our planet. These socks, in fact, do not irritate and do not cause allergies, guaranteeing natural perspiration and oxygenation to the feet. The cotton used for these socks comes from organic crops in India and Tanzania, the organic quality of which is certified by an external Swiss control body in accordance with EU directives 2092/91. This cotton also enjoys the SA 8000 certification (ethical certification) which satisfies the needs of justice and honesty towards small farmers and against the exploitation of child labour. The used organic cotton has not undergone any kind of bleaching or dyeing process.

Long wool socks (adults) gray - NATUR

Price €10.00
Natur stockings come from a small company located near Brescia, which has been producing a wide range of stockings in completely natural fibers for 35 years. They are suitable for everyone and in particular for people with sensitivity problems to various chemical treatments or who simply have an eye for our planet. These socks, in fact, do not irritate and do not cause allergies, guaranteeing natural perspiration and oxygenation to the feet. In particular, this long model is made of 90% wool and 10% organic cotton. The wool comes from sheep yarn or mixed with alpaca yarn: it is not dyed, so as to keep its natural defenses intact (lanolin, which absorbs sweat, gives well-being to the foot and removes the feeling of wetness). These animal fibres, which have excellent ability and resistance, come from small farms in Latin America and New Zealand, washed on site with only water and spun in an artisan company in the Veneto region (unfortunately the wool of Italian sheep is not very suitable for be spun having fibers that are too short). The cotton, on the other hand, comes from organic crops in India and Tanzania, the organic quality of which is certified by an external Swiss control body in accordance with EU directives 2092/91. This cotton also enjoys the SA 8000 certification (ethical certification) which satisfies the needs of justice and honesty towards small farmers and against the exploitation of child labour. The used organic cotton has not undergone any kind of bleaching or dyeing process.

Loofah sponge for kitchen - ECO FOR REAL

Price €4.50
Some more info Natural loofah sponge for cleaning dishes and utensils. Made with a sisal handle to hang it and make it dry better after use. It is the perfect alternative to synthetic sponges. And after 3/4 months of use it can be thrown away in the household waste. packaging The packaging is simply composed of a paper band, the one you see in the photo. It is a paper handmade in Verona with scraps of fabric and scraps of paper. dimensions 12cm x 7cm more info The loofah is nothing more than a fruit... a sort of courgette that is simply left to grow and finally dried to obtain body or kitchen sponges. If you want you can also grow it on your balcony! ????

Lulu Nature Organic Cotton Washable Feminine Hygiene Test Kit

Price €69.56
Washable organic cotton feminine hygiene kit. Composition of the kit (random assorted colours): -12 cotton cleansing pads -4 panty liners -3 standard washable sanitary towels for the day -2 washable sanitary towels for the night -1 waterproof pochette for going out Textile composition: 100% organic cotton Lining: 100% ultra-strong PE laminate, free from phthalates and pvc Maintenance: pre-wash before use. Then rinse the pads with cold water and store a couple of days before washing. Hand washable or machine washable in cold or warm water (60°C). Recommended use of sodium percarbonate to remove stains and sanitize. Do not use bleach or fabric softener. Do not tumble dry.

Maca delle Ande - shampoo and solid conditioner 2 in 1 strengthening anti-hair loss Ethical Grace

Price €14.19
Zoom on maca Legend has it that the Inca warriors, before going into battle, to draw strength and vigor, consumed the maca root, but that once the city was conquered, they were forbidden to consume it to protect women from their immoderate desire sexual. Today maca continues to be grown in the Andes by the descendants of the ancient Incas, the Quechua people. It is grown at altitudes ranging from 4,000 to 5,000 metres, in an inhospitable region, characterized by intense sun, turbulent winds and extreme temperature variations. Like all plants that grow in difficult situations, maca is a plant that accumulates many nutrients and substances that allow it to face these adverse situations. Accumulation is so important that the land where it grows is depleted to such an extent that nothing else can be grown on it for several years. Other ingredients: Safflower oil Rich in vitamins C, E, K, resins, fats and mineral salts, it promotes hair growth in three ways: • locally inhibiting the factors that cause hair loss, • increasing the supply of nutrients at the of scalp • by stimulating the proliferation of keratinocytes (the cells that make up the hair). Castor oil Known hero of the hair world, thanks to its high content of ricinoleic acid, castor oil: • prevents the formation of split ends and hair loss • gives shine and vitality to even the driest and most damaged hair • prevents and fights dandruff thanks to its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties • balances the PH of the scalp Wheat proteins With amino acids similar to those that make up our hair, they penetrate deep into the hair shaft where: • they strengthen their structure; • improve and maintain their hydration; • smoothes, smoothes and compacts the hair fiber. Even its perfume has proven beneficial properties! Petitgrain – purifying and astringent, balances excessive sebum production. • Grapefruit – revitalizing, stimulates the hair growth phase. • Ginger – tonic and strengthener, counteracts hair loss and the appearance of dandruff. • Rosemary – vasodilator, promotes tissue oxygenation of the hair follicles, increasing their activity. How to use Wet the hair and shampoo and apply it directly to the hair, gently massage the hair and scalp and rinse thoroughly. Please note Any product dedicated to combating hair loss acts at the level of the hair follicles that are still active – the greater the number of these follicles, the greater the effectiveness of the treatment. For this reason, early interventions usually offer better results. 90 g

MACIAFER - Ethical Grace

Price €13.20
Behold, our new all-purpose cleaner for tough guys. What is this fantastic product that will make life easier for all men in the universe made up of? vegetable charcoal: active ingredient known for its fantastic purifying properties as its filter function allows to remove toxins, dirt and impurities; skin cleanser. oat extract: known for its emollient and calming properties. As for the scent? lemongrass essential oil that purifies all our sins, tea tree essential oil that restores the correct sebum regulation of the body and heals any impurities, mint essential oil which, being Piedmontese, never hurts. Our small artisan company has decided to dedicate an entire product to coal to redeem its reputation and also that of men to a certain extent. Give your dad or boyfriend/husband a nice gift!

Mama & Bebé massage oil - Nebiolina

Price €9.80
This Nebiolina brand line is based on oat oil, which is rich in Vitamin E, omega-3, omega-6 and components similar to those naturally present in the skin. It is therefore particularly suitable for delicately protecting the baby's skin and for preserving the mother's skin well-being: it rebalances the hydrolipidic film in skin of all ages. In the prenatal and perinatal period they preserve the mother's skin well-being with an effective emollient and moisturizing action that is particularly valuable on the abdominal and perineal level. Promotes hydrolipidic rebalancing with respect to environmental or endogenous factors. It is dermatologically tested on sensitive skins and also on the Nickel, Chromium and Cobalt content. Like all NeBiolina products, it is Vegan Friendly (does not contain ingredients of animal origin) and Cruelty Free (animals). It has obtained the ICEA certification. How to use: Distribute a few drops on the palm of your hand or on a cotton pad, then massage the affected areas.

Marseille soap (200 g) - Officina Naturae

Price €4.20
Handmade soap obtained by cold saponifying organic coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil. The seasoning takes place in wooden containers and at the end of the maturation cycle the cut is done by hand. Suitable for hand washing, even delicate items and recommended for pre-treating stains. Protects hands thanks to the emollient properties of glycerin and olive oil. Does not contain: preservatives, EDTA, perfumes, phosphates, dyes or raw materials of animal origin. The product is easily and quickly biodegradable. How to use: To easily remove halos on shirt collars or greasy stains on tablecloths, rub the Marseilles soap vigorously on the stains before washing the garment.

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